Nominated for the Liebster Award 2017!
We were nominated for the Liebster Award three times last week – we couldn’t believe it … how lucky do we feel (really grateful and honoured)! It seems people on the internet really do enjoy reading our blog … phew ! 🙂
The Liebster Award is a virtual award given to bloggers by bloggers. This award is a great way for new blogs to get discovered, and I feel, a way for new bloggers to be encouraged to continue their blogging journey! On top of that, it’s a great way for readers to get to know the face behind a blog a little bit better.
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award 2017 is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome … we’ll hopefully go for valued ! (although Lana’s cute 😉 )
Our blog was recently nominated for the Liebster Award by Sandra of ‘A day in My Madness’. Her blog shares her experience of being a mum, family life and many yummy recipe ideas. A big thank you to Sandra for our first nomination.
Then we were nominated by Ciara of ‘Cool Things I Love’. Her blog is filled with great skincare and lifestyle tips, product reviews and tasty recipes. Thank you so much Ciara.
We were nominated again by Jonathan of ‘Travels with Talek’. His blog shares his exciting travel experiences and travel tips from all over the world from South America to New Zealand. Thanks again Jonathan.
Liebster Award 2017 Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
- Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post, or by having it as the feature image.
- Write a 150-300 word post about your favourite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog and provide links.
- Provide 10 random facts about yourself.
- Answer the questions from your nominator.
- Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.
- Ask your nominees questions of your own.
- List these rules in your post.
- Once you have written and published it, you then have to: Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award. Then provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
Click here for a more detailed list of the rules.
Our Favourite Blogs:
It was difficult to narrow down a favourite blog, so we thought we would share with you two of our favourite blogs we love reading.
We stumbled across Lauren from Never Ending Foosteps when we first started blogging last year. We thoroughly enjoyed reading about her fun, exciting travel stories and also her travel disasters too! So it’s not just us who have disasters 😉 Aside from her amazing travel experiences and a few misfortunes, she has also written helpful posts like ‘How to Start a Blog’ and ‘How to Fund your Travels’. We love how she’s been travelling for 6 years and is a true example of believing in yourself and following your dreams. Life is too short to worry about what others think. Her posts have really inspired us to keep on travelling and share our experiences with everyone. Check out her site and you maybe inspired too.
Another favourite blogger is Em from Catch 52 a travel and food blogger like us. We love travelling, but we also love food too! Em recently won the UK Blog Awards in the Food and Drink category and we can see why. Reading her food posts will leave you drooling! Let’s just say we now have a long list of restaurants to try in London. Her hotel and restaurant reviews are very informative and honest filled with amazing pictures. I love flicking through her instagram pics and seeing where she’s travelling to next, hopefully to inspire our next travels. Recently she quit her corporate life and headed off to go travelling – following her dreams. Check out her site for foodie and travel tips.
10 Random Facts About Us:
- We love scuba diving and are PADI divers too. Ian is a Advanced Open Water Diver and I’m a Rescue Diver.
- We actually bought a domain 3 years ago to start blogging. It was called ‘The World’s Our Oyster’. But we decided it was too wordy and went with ‘Who Do I Do’.
- Ian has three Degrees. Yep, 3 … how greedy is he! I have a Degree and a Masters.
- We’re both qualified Fitness Instructors and Sports, Clinical and Remedial Massage Practitioners. However these aren’t our day jobs, just hobbies.
- I love pole fitness. It’s been on and off for 8 years (more off than on) and I am determined to be able to split both sides! Ian has only ever had a quick spin round the pole!
- I hate orange sweets. Ian will eat the orange sweets which I’ve left in a pile.
- We’re big foodies and love Michelin Star dining.
- Ian organised the entire Wedding and Honeymoon as a surprise (and designed all the rings too!). I must have been the most relaxed bride in the world.
- We started snowboarding 5 years ago (even though I tend to be on my bum most of the time) and we try to go every year.
- We both love a
largeglass of red wine
Since we were nominated by three bloggers, we decided to combine the questions.
Questions we were asked:
What is the most extreme thing you have ever done? Being adrenaline junkies, we did the ‘World’s Biggest Swing’ in Queenstown, New Zealand
What’s your next ‘to visit’ spot? Morocco
What is your typical Friday night? A take-away (either Indian, Chinese or Fish n’ chips) and chilling on the sofa
Which character on Games of Thrones are you and why? I would be ‘Daenerys Targaryen’ – love to be Mother of the Dragons! Ian is ‘John Snow’, as he knows nothing! 😉
What’s the most unusual food you ever ate while traveling? Nothing too unusual, didn’t enjoy the tripe in Hong Kong. We’ve tried frog’s legs, snails, beetles and a few bugs!
What is your fave food and where would you ideally eat it? We love Khao Soy and we had this in Thailand
Dream travel destination? Tahiti. After spending two weeks in Samoa for our honeymoon, it gave us a taste of the Polynesian islands
Where do your ideas come from? From reading other blogs and from our travel experiences we’ve had together the past nine years
What would be your perfect date? To be whisked off to somewhere hot and having the entire restaurant to ourselves and to be served all my favourite foods! Oh wait, Ian you’ve done this already!
Name one thing that inspires you daily To stay positive
What are your blogging goals for the next 12 months? To build the blog by gaining more followers on social media platforms, to have that home, work and blog balance, to continue to write about our travel tips/experiences and foodie recommendations. Also to go to a blog event!
Our Nominations:
The great thing about being nominated for this award, is that we get to pass on the love and nominate other blogs. Below, you will find blogs that I believe need to be discovered:
- Julia at Ego Diary
- Sarah & Nigel at A Social Nomad
- Caroline at My Global Attitude
- Craig & Rachel at The Wanderlusters UK
- Aurelia at Daily Travel Pill
- Graham & Hannah Chau at Chaus Adventure
Questions for my nominees:
- How did you come up with the name of your blog?
- What country is on the top of your bucket list?
- What are your top 3 travel gadgets you can’t live without?
- Name the top 5 most beautiful beaches you have visited
- If you could be a super hero, who would you be and why?
- If you won the lottery (we’re talking millions here) what’s the first thing you would buy?
- Whats the most adventurous thing you’ve done while travelling?
- What are your hobbies outside travelling?
- If you would settle anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
- Give a tip for other bloggers or potential blog starters
- Have you ever visited a place just because you saw it in a book/series/animation/movie? What was that place?
We never thought our blog would be up for a nomination or an award (let alone so soon!). We’re so thankful to Sandra of ‘A Day in My Madness’, Ciara of ‘Cool Things I Love’ and Jonathan of ‘Travels with Talek’ for the nominations.
Have you been nominated for the award? If so, leave me a link to your post! I’d love to read about it.
If you haven’t been nominated yet, what do you think of the award? Let us know your comments.
komal 15/06/2017 (15:56)
Hey there!! I love your blog and nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award.
Lana 15/06/2017 (15:57)
Thank you for nominating us for the award!